Roses Bee Gold

Roses Bee Gold


BEST-select roses offer you beautiful, strong growth in your garden without having to worry about damage, aphids or disease.

Because these varieties are selected for their resistance and so deliver only the benefits of stunning garden roses.

Bee Gold

Bee Gold is a compact rose with light-yellow flowers. As with many wild roses, its flowers only have five petals, giving Bee Gold a very natural look. Its flowers catch the eye because of their distinctive stamens. This rose has excellent disease resistance. Bee Gold can be planted in gardens, in low borders, but it will also do well in a container on a patio.

This rose’s first flowers appear early into the season: Bee Gold is among the earliest flowering roses. From the start of its flowering season, bees and bumblebees converge on Bee Gold to collect nectar from its flowers. Bee Gold is a “bee”autifully attractive rose. The ‘Bee’ in its name alludes to this rose’s particular allure for bumblebees and bees. In autumn, red hips appear and add to its decorative value.

Strong qualities

  • Highly attractive to bees
  • Flowers early
  • Compact plant
  • Very healthy plants
  • Hips during autumn


Bee Gold was awarded several prizes at international rose competitions:

  • Kortrijk 2017: Silver medal

  • Le Roeulx 2017: Certificate of merit

  • International Rose Competition of The Hague 2020: Certificate of 2nd class

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